Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunday Report

Being the fifth Sunday, there was no formally scheduled lesson, so the time was used to discuss the Women's Conference that had been held the week before.  Many different sisters shared their thoughts about the classes they had attended and even those who had not been able to attend found opportunities to contribute, as well as getting a feel for the things that had been presented.  It was a valuable opportunity for us all to either review and compare notes or just get a vicarious taste of what we had not been able to experience first hand.

Several sisters commented on the presentation Merrily Seely gave about Planting a Celestial Family.  Her premise was that our homes are the training grounds for living in the celestial kingdom, and therefore it is within our homes that we can learn to live with the Savior, through increasing our knowledge of sacred things such as the scriptures and personal and family prayer, learning to work and accept personal responsibility, becoming compassionate through learning to serve others, learning from and becoming examples of what we need to be to live together in the Celestial Kingdom.  

President and Sister Pugh of the Seattle Temple spoke on the subject of the living water of the Atonement which is the centerpiece of the plan of salvation and the source of strength to each of us as we imperfectly tread through mortality, seeking to return to our Heavenly Father.  The gift of repentance and the knowledge that the Savior has experienced all the pain and disappointment and discouragement that we experience, in order that He might succor us in our trials and sorrows, give us hope and strength to endure well the adversity that will enter each of our lives, which is truly the test of mortality, to endure well and rise above, continuing on the strait and narrow path until we have finished our work here on the earth, never giving up or losing faith.  

Sister Macy Sorenson, daughter of our own Jan Wright, spoke on maintaining our physical, emotional, spiritual and temporal well being, that we might become what we need to be to qualify for eternal life.  Perfection is not attained in this life, but as a work in progress we are becoming what we need to be one step at a time.  

The Rockwoods presented a discussion on strengthening marriages and relationships, Debi Reeves talked of the skills necessary for motherhood, running a smooth and happy household, and Cindy Waldram spoke on the fact that depression and stress can enter any life and affect the enjoyment that should be part of this earthly experience. It is necessary to learn to rise above what may weigh us down and keep us from becoming who we can be. 

Have a good week and keep hoping for the sunshine!

Next week will be the Presidency message, and the week following will be Gospel Principles Chapter 35 Obedience

The Relief Society Presidency

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