Our lesson was "More Than Conquerors Through Him That Loved Us" by Elder Paul V. Johnson, presented by Peggy Campbell. She had all of us right down a trial we have had or are having and we placed them in a bag (more on that later). She asked people to share some of their trials and tell how they had shaped them in a positive way. She quoted Elder Johnson when saying;
"All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently builds up our character, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable."
"When we are pushed, stung, defeated, embarrassed, hurt, rejected, tormented, forgotten -when we are in agony of spirit crying out 'why me?' we are in a position to learn something."
She ended the lesson sharing her own daughter's struggles and those of her brother that both suffer with health problems that make life very challenging. Peggy's mother had her brother write down his trials and frustrations and put them in a bag, just like we had done at the beginning of the lesson. She would shake up the pieces of paper and then tell him that if others had put their own trials inside the bag along with his, he would want to choose his own because he would see that others struggle with trials that he would not want to have.
So we need to pray for the strength to handle what we have been given and let the Savior walk with us as we endeavor to become more like Him. Thank you Peggy
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