Sister Linda Marler gave the Presidency message for this month. She introduced her material by reminding us of the YW motto which is recited every week. Since many of us have either worked in that organization, had daughters involved there or are young enough to remember, we are all familiar with this recitation, which includes the Young Women values. We know that it is designed to help young women learn how they should live, ultimately pointing them to the temple where they will make covenants with Heavenly Father that will aid them in returning Home to Him. We, too, are those daughters, grown a bit and with different responsibilities and perspective, but Heavenly Father is still interested in helping us know how we should live to qualify for the blessings of the temple and the gift of eternal life. He has given us the Relief Society organization to help us prepare to receive that gift, by reminding us of how we can best live to merit it. The Relief Society declaration reassures us that we are women of faith, virtue, vision and charity.
We seek to increase our testimonies of Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture sturdy. Sally Duffy shared how her testimony had evolved through these two methods throughout her life. We rely on the Holy Ghost and strive to follow His promptings. We are dedicated to strengthening marriages, families and homes. We see motherhood and womanhood in general as noble and joyous and though all women are not literally mothers, Sister Beck has talked often about the mother heart that is part of each woman in her natural inclination and ability to nurture and comfort others. We delight in service and good works and seek opportunities to help others. Life is a gift and we seek to enjoy the beauty and the lessons and experiences it brings to us. We know that if we continue to learn throughout our lives, we remain interested, engaged and interesting and will never run out of things to learn. We know that we are a vital force for good in an increasingly wicked world and so we must stand always for truth and righteousness. We strive to support the priesthood as those who hold it, often our husbands, brothers and sons, are representatives of the Lord, whose priesthood it is. It brings within our reach the authority of God on the earth and allows for sacred ordinances and covenants to bless our lives, through the hands of otherwise ordinary men. All these things lead to worthiness to enter the holy temple and receive there, and then review there, the blessings that are available only within its walls, and are the keys to exaltation.
Next Week Sister Pringle will be teaching Ch. 40 Temple Work and Family History from the Gospel Principles Book.
Have a great week and enjoy summer while it is here.
The Relief Society Presidency
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