Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday Report

smiley-face4 This Sunday was a fifth Sunday and so the Priesthood, Relief Society and Youth met together.  Bishop Peterson spoke, beginning by observing that everyone is seeking for happiness in life.  Often the course they pursue will bring them what they want, be it riches, fame, power, security or leisure, but more often than not, these things are not accompanied by true happiness.  There may be diversion and fun or contentment or satisfaction but these are different from true happiness.  He went on to emphasize that true happiness, that is eternal and not fleeting, comes only through obtaining the light and truth that resides in the ordinances that have been made available by a loving Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, to prepare us for the kind of life that They enjoy.   Through the gateway ordinance of baptism we are cleansed, so that we can receive the Holy Ghost.  Nothing is more vital to living successfully here in mortality and preparing for eternity, than being worthy of, able to recognize, and diligently acting upon the promptings of the Spirit.

We know that wickedness never can be happiness, and if we partake of the ordinance of the sacrament, having prepared ourselves to be worthy each week, we are reminded by the covenants we made at baptism that can help us be free from sin.  We promised to take the Lord's name upon us and always remember Him and keep His commandments, given as a protection and shield to us against sin.  How can we sin when we are seeking to always remember the Lord?

True happiness is internal and not dependent on the external circumstances that may surround us.  We all face adversity and sadness and disappointment and fear at one time or another, as mortality is by definition a test of our faithfulness in all circumstances.  When sadness touches our lives, the Spirit can bring to our remembrance the eternal glory we are earning through our faithfulness to the covenants we have made with the Lord, and there will be the hope of eternal joy within, even as we experience the trials of this life.  tseattle1

The Lord has given us a guide to measure our worthiness to receive the gifts of eternity that God the Father wants to give to each of His children.  The questions asked in the temple recommend interviews are an opportunity for us to see how we are doing in our spiritual journey back to Heavenly Father.  Areas where we are struggling show us what we need to work on, and other areas that we are confident in our actions, give us reassurance that we are on the right path.  Within the temple we make additional covenants as we receive the higher ordinances of the gospel.  All of the ordinances given to us in and out of the temple are a manifestation of godliness to man, and are provided that covenants may bind us to deity.  Those covenants can strengthen our faith, protect us from evil, bind us together as families and friendships as we serve and love one another.  They can be the source of true joy and happiness.

Have a great week.

The Relief Society Presidency

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