Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday Report

Today the lesson was Eternal Marriage from the Gospel Principles book, given by Sharon Pringle.  She began by sharing the story of how her daughter-in-law was led mormon-temple-familyas a young high school senior to the gospel and how she was determined to attend Brigham Young University after graduation so that she could be in the right place to meet and marry a faithful priesthood holder in the temple.  Marriage between a man and a woman is a vital part of the great plan of happiness.  The world may seem to look at marriage as outmoded or unnecessary, something to take at or leave at a whim, but we know that marriage is intended to last forever and help us to become all that we were sent here to become.  It is essential to exaltation, and the most sacred  relationship that can exist between a man and a woman, it affects our happiness now and in the eternities.

Because it is so important to our eternal progression, an eternal marriage is different from a marriage that is to last for time only.  It must be performed by proper authority, in a holy temple, and those who are there sealed must be worthy to be there.  Even then the sealing ceremony is only the first step in building an eternal marriage. 3502 Each day of the mortal life of the partners, the blessings and the requirements of the marriage are exercised.  Knowledge that the family and the relationships that we are forging, one day at a time, are meant to last through the eternities, gives an extra measure of importance to all that we do and say.  The joys that come from family relationships are deeper and more meaningful, and we are encouraged to work harder to make more of those joyous times.  When adversity and contention come, as they inevitably will, for that is an inescapable element of mortality, we can know that they will be but a small moment and if we endure them well, our relationships will be stronger and more worthy of being eternal.  The Spirit can be a great companion as we seek to live worthy of having our temple marriage confirmed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, though the process will undoubtedly take all of mortality and perhaps beyond.

Preparing for this important step in mortality, perhaps the single most important decision we make, should begin very early in children's lives.sept06-08 Parents, through teaching and example, should point the way to the temple for their children,  helping them use their agency to make the wise decisions that lead to temple doors.  The blessing of eternal marriage is something of which all Heavenly Father's children will have the opportunity to partake.  If the blessing of marriage is not part of this life, worthy men and women will not be denied this vital blessing and the opportunity  will be given in the life to come.  Temple worthiness is the key that opens the door to eternal marriage, and therefore the way we must begin to prepare for that great blessing.

Next Week  Chapter 39, The Law of Chastity will be given by Traci Cline.

Have a great week and be sure to join us on Tuesday evening.

The Relief Society Presidency

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