Christy Peterson was asked by the Presidency to present a special lesson in keeping with the holiday weekend. Because of her passion for the subject and her work with home schooling her children, she was the perfect person to bring to the class the knowledge and enthusiasm we wished for the sisters to feel at this time. Her theme was the role of the founding and establishment of our nation in the Lord's plan for the establishment and functioning of His Church in this the last dispensation. Because of the vast amount of material available through talks by the brethren and in the scriptures, she was only able to present an overview of what has been spoken from the pulpits of this Church concerning the divine nature of this country, unique on the earth at this or any time because of the hand of the Lord that directed each step of its coming forth.
Beginning in 1st Nephi we learn that this land was to be the haven of righteous people, brought here by the hand of the Lord, and protected from the knowledge of the world until the time was right for the Lord's work of restoration to begin. Nephi saw in vision the work of Columbus, (1Ne 13:12) inspired by God, in the revealing of this land to the world. It was clear that this was from the beginning to be a land of freedom, where prosperity was brought by righteousness and pride and disobedience brought bondage and adversity.
In the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord speaks often to Joseph Smith of this land and its Constitution, which He says was established by His divine inspiration, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, for it is build on just and holy principles. Even at the time when the Lord's newly established church was suffering persecution at the hands of mobs and even seemingly by those in authority is this land, the Saints were admonished to seek redress from the properly designated rulers of this land, and not to give up on the Constitution and its divine protection of the moral agency that is fundamental to the working of the great plan of happiness. Moral agency and the personal accountability that accompanies it, is the target of Satan's attacks on Heavenly Father's children here in mortality, and he has long sought to restrict that agency through earthly governments according to the words of President Ezra Taft Benson.
It is clear that not only was this land established in freedom that the gospel might here be restored, but that the divine document that we know as our Constitution, along with that gospel might be taken to all the world. The principles of freedom established in our Constitution had never before been known to that extent to the peoples of the earth. Ours is the responsibility to bring the message of agency, embedded in the principles of the gospel and embodied in the Constitution, to all the world.
As members of the divinely restored Church and citizens of the great nation called forth to carry out the Lord's plan we collectively and individually have the responsibility to help preserve and sustain the principles that we know to be true. There are certain things that we must do to ensure that the Lord's work can go forth.
- We must be a righteous people, obedient to the civil laws of the land and the principles of the gospel. This land and this Constitution were designed for a holy and righteous people.
- We must be educated and informed so that we can defend the Constitution from those who would alter or weaken it. Our freedom will not last if we are ignorant of its principles and do not understand how it can be undermined.
- We must be involved in civic affairs at all levels, so that we can support those who will properly represent our standards and beliefs. We need good, wise and honest people who are not afraid to stand for truth and righteousness.
- We must make our influence felt through our vote, letters and other means of getting our concerns to those who make decisions.
We have been promised that this great nation will never fail, for it is the Lord's purpose that the principles it embodies should spread throughout humanity. It is our job to be the righteous element among the growing wickedness, that is necessary for the land to be preserved to do its work.
Have a great week and enjoy the campout with your families.
Next week will be Gospel Principles Chapter 38, Eternal Marriage by Sharon Pringle
The Relief Society Presidency
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