Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday Report

The Relief Society Lesson was TFOT given by Peggy Campbell, the first featuring a talk from the April conference. In keeping with the spirit of Easter Sunday, she presented the talk by L. Tom Perry entitled "The Sabbath and the Sacrament."

He began be stressing that in a world saturated by the doctrines of men, where it is so easy to lose faith and forget the all-important account of the Savior's life and ministry, that we are blessed to have in the New Testament. He called it the centerpiece of scriptural history, and reminded us that the Savior Himself should be the centerpiece of our lives. He encouraged us to be examples of the believers, as Paul had admonished in his writings, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. As we seek to heed this counsel we will be on the pathway to becoming more like our Savior and Redeemer.

In order to help us do this, from the very beginning, one day of every seven was set aside and sanctified, a holy day to remember the Lord and all that He has done for us and worship Him for the Sacrifice that He made for each one of us through the infinite Atonement. Just before He made that Atonement, He instituted the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, to help His followers show unto the Father that they always remembered what He had done for them, and the great and last Sacrifice with the shedding of blood that would redeem them.

Partaking of the sacrament is the center of our Sabbath observance, helping us to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, and giving us an opportunity of renew the covenants that we made at baptism to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments, to take His name upon us, that we might always have His Spirit to be with us.

Through worthily partaking of the sacrament, we may have our sins forgiven, and through introspection put ourselves once more on the path to eternal life. The whole Sabbath day should reflect the reverence and gratitude we feel for what our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, have done for us. For this one day each week, we especially have the opportunity and the obligation to prepare and conduct ourselves in a manner that will call down the blessings of heaven upon us and our families.

Next Week: Presidency Message given by Mary Vach

Have a great week and and let us all take time to prepare for the Sabbath, that it might truly be a day of rest and worship and reverence for our families.

The Relief Society Presidency

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