Dear Sisters,
It is a busy spring time even if the weather does not seem to have been told. This is a very symbolic season with the rebirth of nature reflecting the glorious promises we celebrate in Easter. Use the object lessons around us to share the beauty of Heavenly Father's plan and the wonderful gift of the Atonement.
The lesson was given by Yvonne Lucas substituting for Traci Cline. She covered both Chapter 31, Honesty and Chapter 32 Tithes and Offerings.
Complete honesty is necessary for our salvation. In every aspect of our lives we must strive to be honest, in thought, reflection, meditation, in our relationships with family and friends and with everyone we come in contact with in the course of our daily lives. God is honest in all things and we know that Satan is the father of all lies. To become celestial beings we must endeavor to be like our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. We must love truth and justice and must therefore be honest in our words and actions. We must seek to never intentionally deceive others. with our words, our gestures or expressions or with silence. We will be held accountable for such actions.
Stealing is equally dishonest and covers a multitude of things one might not think of like the misuse of copyrighted material. Cheating and taking unfair advantage of another is dishonest. To be completely honest we must ever be watchful of our words and actions. To be completely honest gives one an armor against being corrupted. Our characters will be open and able to bear the scrutiny of the world. These are facts that seem to be losing credibility in today's world. Too many people in places of responsibility are not able to withstand Satan's efforts to corrupt them. Complete honesty and integrity are celestial qualities that we need to be acquiring here in mortality.
This leads in to the lesson on tithes and offerings. Being honest in acknowledging our debt to our Heavenly Father who has given us literally all that we have, either directly or indirectly, is essential to show Him our gratitude for all that He does for us. We should pay willingly and with a joyful heart, the tenth that is required of us, for it is more important how we give, than what we give. Beyond what is asked by the Lord, we have many opportunities to share with others the bounties we have been given, through fast offerings, donations to missionary work, temple construction, the Perpetual Education fund, and humanitarian aid.
These are ways we can overcome our natural self-centered view of the world and become more like our Father and our Savior. As we help to ease the burdens of others, our own become more manageable and we sense the refining process that is preparing us to be worthy of a celestial inheritance. As we give, the Lord's way, we are setting an example for our families and those around us and we, ourselves, are blessed as the windows of heaven are opened to pour out blessings upon us. They will not always be in the form of wealth, but they will be the blessings that Heavenly Father knows that we need most at any given time. They will often be spiritual blessings that help us be instruments in the hands of the Lord to serve the needs of others. That is part of the growth and experience we were sent here to obtain.
Next week TFOT We will be discussing the talk by L. Tom Perry The Sabbath and the Sacrament led by Sister Peggy Campbell
Have a great week, and prepare your families for the true meaning of the Easter holiday as well as enjoying the fun aspects of the season.
The Relief Society Presidency
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