Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sunday Report

Sunday's lesson from the manual was #7 The Immortality of the Soul

President Smith in speaking at the passing of loved ones said,
"Instead of mourning I feel to thank our Father in Heaven for the
gospel of His beloved Son that has been revealed anew in our day.". He
taught that  our comprehension of this life is that it is eternal
life, that we are living in eternity today as much as we ever will
live in eternity.

Our earth life is such a small part of our existence, we lived in our
pre-mortal existence, our current earth life and eternities beyond.

What a happy people we should be with the knowledge we have that this
probation is not to prepare us to die, but to live, that the Father's
desire for us is that we may avoid every error and receive every
truth, and by applying truth to our lives become more like Him and
become worthy to dwell with Him.

This life is not given to us as a past time. There was a solid purpose
in our creation, in the life that God has given to us. Having this
knowledge will guide us in how we live our lives, the priorities we
set, and the paths we choose.

The purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to prepare every man,
woman and child for the time when all those who have died will be
brought forth from their graves and when our Heavenly Father will
establish his kingdom upon this earth and the righteous will dwell
there and Jesus Christ will be our King and our Law-Giver.

If, when our life's labor on earth was finished, we had no opportunity
to go on developing, there would be little to inspire us to live as we
should here. The knowledge that all the good we accomplish here and
all the development we make, will enhance our happiness eternally,
encourages us to do our best.

If those who have passed on could speak to us, They would say "Press
on, press on for the goal that will bring us eternal happiness
together." Do the things the Lord would have you do and you will not
miss anything that is worthwhile, but on the contrary you will be
continually laying up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust cannot

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