Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday Report

The lesson for the first Sunday of the month was the Presidency Message given by Linda Marler.  Appropriately she chose the theme of hearts for this month and based her lesson largely on a talk given by Elder Russell M. Nelson in April Conference of 2011 entitled Face the Future with Faith.  

She began by asking us what we feared in this uncertain, often violent, constantly changing world where the forces of evil will ever be in opposition to the forces of good.  Ours is a time of turmoil; natural disasters and political, social and economic conflicts are everywhere. It is only natural that we might be fearful, but Elder Nelson cautions that we must not let our fears displace our faith.  That means that we must ever be strengthening our own faith and helping our families and friends strengthen theirs.  We must be sure that ours is a Faith-Full  heart, for it is faith that can overcome fear in all things.

We must especially seek to teach our children and grandchildren to have that faith that will protect them from fear.  Faith in God's plan of salvation, faith in the power of obedience as a mighty protection  and a source of joy here and hereafter.  It will provide spiritual and physical protection, for the Lord has promised that He will go before our face and be on our right hand and on our left, His Spirit will be in our hearts and His angels will surround us. Prayer can be a mighty tool in strengthening our faith, and if we through our prayers can gain an eternal perspective, we will know that our righteous desires, our heartfelt pleadings will be heard and will be granted, and that which we have suffered will work for our eternal good.

We develop faith, and courage, or better, a faithful heart, as we seek to deal with life's trials in full knowledge of who we are as daughters of God with divine nature and infinite worth, who have been chosen to be on the earth at this tumultuous time.  We are among the standard bearers and covenant people, who have access to eternal blessings through the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood, including the blessings of the temple.  This knowledge should give us the heart, the courage to face those things that we fear, relying on the Spirit to guide and comfort and teach us.  Though the world is a scary place and evil abounds, with our eternal perspective, and the peace the Lord has promised us  (John 14:27) we can go forward with faith-full hearts walking uprightly and keeping the commandments.

Next week Sister Merrily Seely will teach Chapter 3 from the George Albert Smith manual substituting for Sister Julee Schneider.

Have a great week, fill your heart with faith and courage, knowing who you are and what you can do with the Lord's help.

The Relief Society Presidency

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