Relief Society, which has the responsibility "to look after the spiritual welfare and salvation… of all the female members of the Church, was organized to provide 'relief of the poor, the destitute, the widow, and the orphan, and for the exercise of all benevolent purposes.' This includes 'relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance; relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of woman.' " - Julie B. Beck

Mormon Org & Official Church Website

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday Report

The lesson for the day was the Presidency Message given by Sister Vach, based on a talk given by President David O. McKay in 1941.   As the words of the prophet always do, this talk carries a timeless message on how we can best appreciate the temple experience by learning to see and feel beyond the surface events with the help of preparation and the Holy Spirit.  Too often people enter the temple totally unprepared and therefore apprehensive.  They therefore are usually disappointed and feel that they have failed in some way and that everyone else has been able to grasp and appreciate the deep spiritual meaning that they have somehow missed.  In reality the temple experience is a lifelong study in the basic principles of Heavenly Father's plan for His children's eternal welfare.  As we are faithful to the commandments and seek to keep the promises we make, we grow in our spiritual abilities and come gradually to understand more and more each time we experience the temple ceremonies.

As we seek to see more clearly and understand more thoroughly the message of the temple ceremony it helps to see beyond what President McKay calls the "mechanics" of the temple and truly grasp the spiritual significance of those "mechanics."  The temple message is symbolic in nature, each act carrying a connotation or deeper meaning that points to the Father's plan for us.  One of the first things we experience in the temple is the washing.  This mundane act in reality signifies the cleanliness that is required to be near and become like God;  cleanliness of mind, as well as body, for we must seek to rid ourselves of every ill feeling or vulgar thought.  Then we are anointed to become all that the Father knows that we can become: Queens and Priestesses to God.  How empowering to be reminded who we really are, especially in relationship to our Heavenly Father.  How different from the voices of the world which often make us feel unimportant and insignificant.  Clothed in the white temple garments we are given feelings of dignity and purity and moral strength, knowing that we can be clean totally through the Atonement and our willingness to repent. 

Then we make covenants that have great significance in how we will live here in mortality.  We covenant to live the law of Elohim, placing God at the center of our lives. How different from attending Church once a week!  Then we covenant to be willing to obey the law of sacrifice.  This means we must turn away from the worldly concept of selfish self interest and place other's welfare before our own.  How like the Savior this can make us if we are willing to keep that covenant.  Then comes the Law of the Gospel, contained in the standard works of the Church.  They are the word of God, the Iron Rod, that will lead us safely back to our Heavenly Father.  We must covenant to learn and live them. The law of chastity requires us to covenant to live a pure life, in deed and thought, and thus protect the power that is essential to Heavenly Father's Plan  of bringing his spirit children to earth and binding individuals into family units.  The world sees those same powers through different eyes and Satan uses these attitudes to seek to cheapen and desecrated these sacred powers.  Finally we covenant to keep the law of consecration which is the offering of all that we are and all that we have or may ever have, to Father in Heaven, to be used for the furthering of His divine purposes.

Making and keeping these covenants prepares us to pass through the veil and enter into His presence.  So we pass through the veil of the temple into the Celestial Room, symbolic of being in His presence.  Each time we go to the temple, if we prepare  through obedience and meditation, the symbols will be clearer and more meaningful, for the Spirit and our own life experience will deepen our understanding of the temple messages while allowing us to serve another of His children that they might make the same covenants and receive the same potential blessings.

(Temple recommend Questions from 1857)

Have a great week and take a few minutes to review the talk used in the lesson.
Next week will be Chapter ONE of the new manual Teachings of the Presidents of the Church  George Albert Smith by Julee Schneider.
The Relief Society Presidency

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