The lesson for today was Chapter 46 of the Gospel Principles book, entitled The Final Judgment, given by Sister Pringle. The scriptures tell us that the day will come when we will all stand before God and be judged. It is important that we understand this process of judgment so that we can be prepared for this event. We are told that we will be judged according to our works and also according to the desires of our hearts.
The judgment process begins here on earth when we are found worthy to receive ordinances such as baptism, and temple ordinances, or to receive callings within the Church, or priesthood advancement. Alma taught that when we die we are assigned, in the spirit world, to a state of happiness or misery. These are all types of judgment.
We are told that we will be judged by our thoughts, words and actions. Because we are mortal and therefore imperfect, we will make mistakes in our thoughts, words and actions. By faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atoning sacrifice, we can take advantage of repentance and become clean and holy so that we can enter the presence of God someday. We can get to the point where the Holy Ghost can change our hearts so that we no longer have a desire to sin. This will be a life long process but we can accomplish it.
Judgment has been entrusted to the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Father. Christ will call upon others to aid in the process. The Twelve Tribes of Israel will be judged by the original Twelve Apostles who served with Jesus when He was on the earth. The twelve Nephite disciples will judge the Nephite and Lamanite peoples.
Our faithfulness in this life will determine what place we inherit for our life in the eternities. Whether we inherit exaltation in the celestial kingdom or a kingdom of lesser glory, it will reflect our valiance in our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Doctrine and Covenants 76 outlines the different kingdoms and what is required of us in this life to inherit each. Even members of the church will inherit different kingdoms based on their faithfulness to the gospel principles.
With this knowledge we are empowered to live each day in preparation for that Final Judgment. If we seek earnestly through repentance to overcome our weaknesses, ever seeking to stay on the right path, we will be able to stand before the Lord when the time comes, confident that we have done all that is necessary to make us worthy of His grace, which is what will bring us back to the presence of the Father, after all we can do.
Next week’s lesson, “Exaltation” lesson #47 taught by Traci Cline.
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