The Presidency message this month, dealt with charity, the pure love of Christ. The Lord counseled Emma Smith in Sec 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants to lay aside the things of this world and seek for the things of a better. This is good advice for our day as well. We must live in a world that is increasingly wicked and shocking is many ways and stressful and demanding in others. Yet, as we become women of spiritual substance, as President Hinckley often called us, we will be able to build for ourselves and those within our influence a better world amidst the chaos. As daughters of God we have a divine destiny because of our divine nature, and we came to this world so that we could refine our natures through trials and tests and experiences. If we will pay the price to commune with God and keep our spiritual reservoirs full we can lift this life to a happier, holier level for ourselves and those we love. As members of the Church and of Relief Society we are privileged and strengthened by our associations one with another, for we believe and hope the same things and love the things of God. This is renewing and reassuring and comforting. We are constantly reminded that God is loving and loves us, and will never desert us, no matter what happens in the temporal world. The knowledge of these things is etched in our heart and it is what will make the difference between the world of temporal reality and the better world for we long for. Charity, the pure love of Christ, is the motivation to make this life better. It inspires us with a great desire to bless the lives of those around us. Charity is not good deeds, charity is not alms but rather the feeling that makes us desire to reach out and bless and serve. To love is to serve and to serve is to love. We can give without loving but we cannot love without giving. As women of spiritual substance we are ever seeking to strengthen ourselves in our hearts so that we can do the work of preparing and offering a better world not only to those we love, but to any of Heavenly Father's children who come under our influence.
Have a wonderful week and remember the inner strength that you, as daughters of Heavenly parents, can have. Seek for it through study and prayer and service..
We love and appreciate each one of you and count our associations with you among our choicest blessings.
The Relief Society Presidency
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