Dear Sisters,
Sister Howell presented Joseph Smith #33 The Spiritual Gifts of Healing, Tongues, Prophecy and Discerning of Spirits. We discussed what made a gift really special and decided that gifts that were thoughtfully given to meet the specific needs of an individual were the very best and this is exactly how spiritual gifts are given by a loving Heavenly Father to each of His children to help them progress and to serve others. The lesson began with the description of a miraculous day of healing which came at a time when many saints were ailing and the Prophet set out to administer to all those he could find thus strengthening not only those who were healed but all who witnessed and learned of the miracles that took place. The class discussed instances of healing they had experienced and it was apparent that these instances were the result of priesthood power and the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and involved not only the spiritual gift of healing but also the gift to be healed. All these are spiritual gifts that the faithful are given. Sister Howell emphasized that gifts of the Spirit are as diverse as the needs and the circumstances of all the faithful of Heavenly Father's children. Mothers receive such gifts as are needed to nurture and provide for the individual needs of their children. The gift of tongues is primarily a tool to take the restored gospel to all the world and can be readily seen in the work of the thousands of missionaries who communicate daily of spiritual truths in languages they barely understand themselves except through the help of the Spirit. The testimony of Jesus Christ is a spiritual gift of prophecy to all who worthily seek for it. Spiritual gifts are as numerous as the needs and righteous desires of the faithful. Seek for your own personal gifts and use them to bless your life and the lives of those around you.
Have a great week.
Relief Society Presidency
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